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Jeremy, 33 y.o.
Seattle, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 127.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2011
Hey, just stumbled over your profile :).
You're the first guy I see here who has mentioned Buffy as one of their fave TV shows :). I absolutely love Buffy, I could watch the seasons over and over again :D. Got any fave episodes ?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2011
Hey Jeremy!
Thanks for your message. Yeah, I definitely want to chat sometime. You seem a very interesting guy from reading your profile! I like how passionate you are about music. I've always wanted to play piano but never had the chance to learn. Do you have any of your music up online? Oh and I LOVE Buffy! I used to be obsessed haha. ANd I love her new show Ringer :D
Well I hope you're having an awsome day! Today is my day off from everything but later I'm going into town and then spinning haha :D
Btw, them photos of where you live are stunning! I wish I could go.
Nice to meet you!

Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2011
SSSSSuP? and Hi lol
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2011
Hiya!!! :)
how are you?? =)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2011
Haha yea :) Sadly i didnt have my halloween cuz i've been sick :( Like every years !

Haha really ? Are they many in the us? In france we have a lot of Jehovah's Witness ( i dunno if it's correct, but i hope you would understand )
inactive user
Super Smash Bros.
inactive user
Same for us :P Unfortunately, our school always chose us terrible books to read :L We all just ended up doing our own thing for our exams :P

Oh cool, I only live about an hour away from Hull, and have a friend at uni there. He's really enjoying it, so it looks promising :P
inactive user
Hi Jeremy ^^ how are you? :) The pleasure is mine
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2011
Ahhh I love it!! Haha I would love to just act for the rest of my life, but I just don't think that would be an ideal career for me... haha!

Are you involved with any organizations at your University?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2011
I don't really like Republicans myself. They can be a bit too extreme. I consider myself to be a liberal.. Yeah, the tea part is a joke but then again they are slowly gaining support from rednecks..

Lol yeah, Palin is stupid. I can't remember but they asked one question regarding a location and she said something really really stupid. She didn't realise her mistake until she was corrected. Dumb cow. To be honest, Obama is doing alright but not good enough. There was so much expectation but I don't think it's gone to plan for him. He's left with the task of solving America's economy, due to Bush's continious spending and spending..I think Obama will be re-elected, I just don't see him being challenged.

Lol American politics is muddy, but it seems much more interesting. The media has a major part to play in that
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