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Victorhn91, 33 y.o.

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 273.
inactive user
inactive user
Got away safely...

Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2012
Estudio psicología =) Ahora estoy de vacas y el curso que viene hago 2º. Oye... cuando dices que vives en Salamanca, es en la ciudad o en Santa Marta de Tormes, donde dice interpals??
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2012
Qué interesante... Yo he estado viviendo en Salamanca hasta... hasta ayer xD
inactive user
So apparently, they're going to start giving 'sexual themed' music videos an 18 rating like they do with films.

I agree with the idea.. Tulisa's last video was certainly too much ;L
inactive user
It is so freaking amazing! I'm watching it again now :L Too funny <3
inactive user

Found the whole film if you want a laugh any time soon :P
inactive user
Assuming that meant you had a great time :P At least you're back with your friends again :)

.... Thank you :L
inactive user
inactive user
Oooooooooooh thumbs up friend
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