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Victoria, 31 y.o.

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 92.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2009
hi there, iam kevio 18m like making frndz and let me hope u wont let me down...i would talk abourt anything u feel like...u can as well share with me ideas...i would really want to be a scientist....or ...doc....iam in collage till then by....reply before you add me as frnd
inactive user
Hey! We haven't talked in forever, though you still remember me! How come? Haha
I've been studying a lot for a bunch of boring exams, nevertheless I've been pretty good, thanks for asking. How about yourself? :)
Ahhhh, nice! My friend went to Turkey last month! She really really liked going there, but she said Turkish guys are stalkers, so be careful! Hahahaha.
Kissessssss xx
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2009
not on regular base, but i sometimes play with my friend volleyball. and you?
inactive user
actually ı do not live in ankara,ı live in izmir.but ı know there.its such a nice city but ı think my city is better.Ankara is not a seaside city like izmir,anyway.........its crowded can visit shopping centers like 'ankamall' and you can visit streets of kızılay.there are some museums and of course burial place of Atatürk.
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2009
Turkey is kind of close of me :P you should come by for a short visit <:
i don't really have big summer plans. i will go to the beach for about a week with my friends to celebrate my best friend's birthday so it's should be cool :D
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2009
my school is good, though it could use just a little bit more of nice teachers.. lol :D
when does your vacation begins?
inactive user
hey:)yeah!Isfahan is so nice,but how do you know my city?it's a Historical city with a history more than 500 years old!
the Culture and Civilization of Iran is more than 7000 Y/O and if you interested i can send you some great links about these!
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2009
hi Victoria, i'm Maya:D
i'm fine, thanks. how about you?
inactive user
Um go to each others houses, go out to the movies, parties, events... I don't know as long as we're doing something haha

Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2009
I'm just getting the hang of the site... and trying to avoid predators
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