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スミス-ちゃん, 30 y.o.
Queen Creek, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 2902.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2014
inactive user
Happy Birthday! I know it's been a while since we've talked. Hope you're doing fine. Are you graduating high school this year?
inactive user
Happy Birthday!
inactive user
I also get along with most of my penpals as well, especially the asian ones. Only one Asian told me that most Asians are racist, but this guy was from Taiwan. And he was also sort of a jackass. I'm glad he's not on this site anymore....don't miss him one bit. But, one guy from mainland China called me cute here on interpals.
inactive user
She even advises me against marrying East Asians because of racism. I don't know what to do. She says I'm better off marrying an educated white man or black man, but I don't I'd be happy if I did that. I have to be color blind. She's the only African lady who's suggested this to me.
inactive user
Thanks for responding. I finally realize what the problem is in regards to my class partner. She had a younger sister who was killed by her husband nearly 14 years ago, who happened to be a Pakistani. Her sister said that he came home drunk one night and got mad at her for asking him where he was. It's a tragic story, but I think that it may have shaped her overall opinion of Arabs, Jews and even East Asians being bad people.
inactive user
Yes, I do feel better now. Thanks for asking.
inactive user
She thinks that all Asians are racist. She's from Kenya. Maybe she doesn't know much about Asian culture because she hasn't lived in America long enough.
inactive user
Can I ask you a question? Do the Asians you talk to like you for who you are? I keep telling this African lady who's my class partner for a project that I like Asian guys, but she says that they might break my heart because I'm part black.
inactive user
Other than that, I've been finding ways to earn money online so I can pay my internet bill. I really hope I get the chance to visit my cousin Dee Dee in California this year. I've never been anywhere west of Texas. It's such a shame because America has so many land masses. The west coast is more mountainous and a little bit cooler in the summertime than the East Coast.
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