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Brenna , 32 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
inactive user
How could I know? :P It's not me to judge that ;] And I'm fine, thanks! ;]
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2012
gotcha. It is 4:13 pm here.
inactive user
not late at all..just tired ahaha
inactive user
lol me too...maybe iu'll go to bed ahaha
inactive user
oh hello! i'm doing fine, what about you?
inactive user
you sound like a cool person id like to know! :)

im claire from northern ireland
inactive user
hey! long time no see >< how have you been?
inactive user
T.V.B. :)
inactive user
I'm from Idaho, and it's as wonderful as I let it be. (:

inactive user
But of course love. (:
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