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Eka darma putra, 29 y.o.
Negara, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
My name is Yuliana, nice to meet you too (*^^*)
If you don't mind… let's talk using messages :)
inactive user
Hiii :)
inactive user
really?! thanks!!! XD If you want know more about China ,you also can ask me :D
Umm, yeah, I just graduated from junior high school ^^
I will study in a vocational school
inactive user
No… I didn't get a chance to go there X(
My family don't have any interest ,for any place X(
but I want to visit there *____*
inactive user
Oh , I know ! There is a popular tourist destination ! O_O
inactive user
Sorry, there was a word wrong *____*
inactive user
HEY Eka nice to meet you ! I''m from China ^^ and you?
inactive user
HEY Eka nice to meet you ! I''m from Chinese ^^ and you?
inactive user
HI My name is Junru ^^
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