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Sam, 59 y.o.
Houston, United States [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 407.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2018
Also with S like Superman, Spiderman, Superhero, Star, Smile, etc.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2018
Hi from Colombia:

Thanks for having Spanish on your list of languages.

inactive user
Ok, you got me on the cookies and moody asswipe things! Lol!
That is very rude of you to rub the Chick-Fil-A cookie in my face. No wait, that would be a good thing! Rub 'em in my face as much as you want to! Hehe.
inactive user
I got this weird post card from Louisiana yesterday! Who would do such a strange thing?!? :)~
inactive user
He was talking about Herb being a good man because he is also a Red Wings and Tigers fan like he is. :P You should have read Wal-to-Wall to see our conversation. :D
I've noticed since the advent of this online postcard thing, people don't send postcards that they buy in stores as much. Have you seen that? You can go to this site, pick a location and write out your note and they will send it, all printed out. You have to pay for it of course. But where's the thought in that? The effort? Lame! Anyway, I appreciate the effort and the thought, Sam, even if you couldn't find one. :)
Love you, too!! *SMOOCH* and a (((HUG)))
inactive user
You have now been relegated to #2 status again!
inactive user
I am fine.

My children are 15,17 and 19.

you also have children?
inactive user
Hmm.....prettttty sure they allow the word "sex"!
inactive user
Hello sam,
I hope you are well?

inactive user
Thank you, very good.
I worked in my office

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