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Huiying, 35 y.o.
Shenzhen, China [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
inactive user
what do you major in?
inactive user
thank you :DDD
and same here i'm taking it step by step, little by little, and day by day :)
what is yours?
inactive user
Doodling and Blogging.
but right now I've just been writing out my plans for a business i want to start sometime in the future..I just know this dream is gonna come true for me :)..have you ever had that feeling? like a giddy excited feeling for your future?
inactive user
what do you like to draw? main thing with art is Characters and Doodles
inactive user
well its between Chinese and Japanese...after I learn Korean I think it'll be easier to decide.
I really like the different cultures in Asia...i hope to go someday :)
what made you interested in the Japanese Language?
inactive user
thanks and Merry Christmas to you too :)

do you have any interests in other languages?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2013
Doh! I clicked Delete instead or Reply. Curse my mutant, ginormous man thumbs! They are not conducive to easy handling a these tiny smartphone keyboards.

Anyway. That would be great. I have Skype if that's convenient?
inactive user
I may not be a teacher but i'd love to help you with your english :) my names kia
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2013
Ni hao. I'm trying to learn to speak Chinese, and my spoken English is very good. Mayhap we can help each other?
inactive user
~*MEOW*~!!1 =^.~=
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