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Matija, 36 y.o.
Skjervøy, Norway [Current City]
Dugo Selo, Croatia [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Bachelor's degree

Relationship status


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 353.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
Gimme burek. >:}
inactive user
I really liked the animation work in Castlevania, story could be better tho lol
Also why are only French people visitng your profile
inactive user
Castlevania the Netflix version?
inactive user
Come on you had one year to do it :<

You disappoint me
inactive user
inactive user
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2018
Gypsy hater.
inactive user
Hello, I'd like to talk to you if you want? Maybe we'll meet here? >>> (Copy the link in the browser). id on my website 2591461
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