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Arianna, 28 y.o.
Hollywood, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
I never read Maus, but some amazing books about the Holocaust are by Filip Müller, Thomas Blatt, Rudolf Vrba, and Miklos Nyiszli. Read those and that will be enough to give you nightmares for the rest of this life, at least. Throw in Richard Glazar if that isn‘t enough.
inactive user
Haha yeah, it's not very well known
inactive user
Hey ! :) I don't consider myself as an artist, but anyone has an opinion, rght ? :)
inactive user
You welcome !! same for me, it's always nice to meet someone like you :)
inactive user
Ooow, de rien ! *w*~ Thank you, c'est gentil ! :3
You like Jpop and play video games too ? You're my sister hehe ! *3*~
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2015
The fact that you're writing a book caught my eye as i'm also writing, well trying to write one myself, just trying to plot it out first in my head before putting it to paper.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2015
Yo ! Thank you ! Yep you know it ? :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2015
you are welcome!. hehehe you have to improve and upload multiple pictures everywhere
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2015
Merci beaucoup :) Enchantée.
Greeting from Indonesia~
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