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Cupcakecash, 37 y.o.
New York City, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Haven't seen you on aim!
inactive user
Heyyyy I actually forgot about this until I got an email saying you posted my wall lol. Curiosity took over. I'm good, busy with school and other boring shit. Do you use aim? We can chat on there :D
inactive user
Nice to meet you Steph, I'm Sandy. I'm okay, little sick D: What about you, what are you up to?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2011
love the name
inactive user
Hey lady, I LOVE HELLO KITTY TOO! What's up? :)
inactive user
I was downloading Marley and Me, oh and episodes of Breaking Bad. Still haven't watched it yet.

How are you today? Work not too bad I hope.
inactive user
oooow eso es genial!!!!!!
& vienes seguido a México????
Te gusta Mexico?
yo soy del DF !:D
inactive user
Hi, doing good. Just relaxing, having a lazy Sunday! How about you!?
inactive user
HOLA!!!! ^^ que bonito!!!!! & hablas bien español????
que parte de México visitaste?
inactive user
I am doing well. Downloading movies and making dinner. How about you?
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