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Ayat anis, 33 y.o.
Sousse, Tunisia [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2011
masaa'u l-Hayr
'ismiy Lino wa a'ktubu laka min Madrid.

I better stop using Arabic, I studied Qur'anic and Fusha Arabic approximately ten years ago and unfortunately I've forgotten almost everything.

Even though I saw your message some days ago I couldn't reply you earlier, I had hectic days at work.
Hey I read your wall and your argument with that unkind German girl but I disagree with you, Hitler wasn't German, but Austrian, ha..ha..

What's your name?
And the most important thing, who could be so stupid to consider you as a thief? Probably that person was stolen by a Tunisian but if we follow this line of thoughts, then all Europeans would be thieves because European countries, above all France, are parasitic countries of the so-called "Third World".

Have a very nice day
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2011
hi all . may all your days be like your best days .
my best day is that when i sleep at night i sleep well because i know i did alright and that i was satisfied .your heart is really your "bestdaymeter" lool
inactive user
greatttt :D thank you
inactive user
how are youuuu
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2011
Hey, how are you? I'm Raff from Australia :)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2011
of course can i help you
wie gehts dir so?
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