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Andrew Xie, 36 y.o.
Cheshire, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 3753.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 16, 2011
hi ! do you remember me??
long time no see.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2010
seriously, you gotta add me somewhere else. i only trip over this page accidentally nowadays lol
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2010
thanks for remembering me. :)
i´m fine. enjoying summer holiday. :D
and you? :) what are you doing? ^^
inactive user
Lawl. Yea... The interior of the truck is leather XD So I never wear shorts when its been sitting in the sun, and if I do I wind up sitting on one of the many sweaters I keep behind the seat lol. And the fact that its a dark vehicle doesnt help much either :P But you get used to the heat here. I mean, it doesnt really bother me anymore.
inactive user
You're right. Along with politics and some other thing that I can't quite recall, religion is supposedly a big no-no in social circles. I personally have no trouble with talking about it because I'm accepting of other peoples' ideals. Even if someone were to tell me I was going to hell, I would have to respond easily that I respect their belief in that. I disagree, but that doesn't mean that I can't respect them for -having- some belief.

As far as my personal religion, I've lately begun to closely identify with the Society of Friends (more often known as Quakers). Come to find out, they're good for a lot more than just oatmeal! XD
inactive user
Yea thats true. But I still prefere the heat lol. Maybe not like, 90 degree heat. But something between 75 - 85 degrees. Otherwise I have to agree that its too hot. But having no AC in my truck doesnt help either xD
inactive user
Meh. I never really have the motivation to go out and do stuff either... unless it involves the Beach :D Then I'll happily go roast my *** off xD I dont mind spending time in this heat really. Its never bothered me. Now when it gets cold on the other hand.... Then I'll start throwing fits lol
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2010
hahaha. yeah. apparently we talked a bit two years ago.
so how's life been for you?
inactive user
haha. She is kinda like a dog though! She comes when I call her, and listens when I tell her stuff like a dog does, AND she sorta plays fetch lol. Still working on that last one. She doesnt go for the face when playing with me, just my hands. So s'all good.

I know why its hot and humid... All this freaking rain. It rained nonstop for a little over a week here. Made it hot as hell and even more humid. But ah well, ya expect the heat when living in FL lol
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