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YY1111, 33 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 275.
inactive user
Hey yasushi! do you still remember me? Anyway, just wanted to drop by and say hi.. hope you're doing fine! :)
inactive user
Hey!! You never say hi on skype anymore! =3=
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2010
Hello Yasushi...sorry for not responding back.
I have been VERY busy with school.
How have you been?
inactive user
Hellooo ^^;
omg, it's been a month that i didn't reply here O__O
sorry sorry hehe,, how have you been during this time ??
i had exams for 2 weeks, so i studied a lot haha.
wow, that's cool ! i never went to Vancouver and Banff unfortunately, but I would like to go there someday. Yeah, the East of Canada is good as well :D Many people visit Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec for a trip,, that's cool :)
Umm i will go to Japan probably in August, but I can't stay for a long time unfortunately because I have to go back to school in August too.. Anyway i guess it will be a good experience ;)
inactive user
Hey! xD

What have you been up to lately, mister? lol x)
inactive user
Hehe just gave my car a bath yesterday. So shiny! hehe x)

How are you these days? :)
inactive user
Got my car's oil changed and tired rotated today! lol xD

What's up? :)
inactive user
I'm quite fine and you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2010
i am good :D
inactive user
Hello Yasushi :)
I'm fine, thanks, what about you ?
Really ?! Where did you visit in Canada ?
Maybe I'll go to Japan in August 2011
I can't wait to visit there haha ^^
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