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WhiteSnake, 32 y.o.
Prague, Czech Republic [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2014
Hey! Well the reason is simple, I like them haha
There are many languages I'd like to learn but can't do it all at once! I love languages, always did, I don't know why
If you're looking for someone to help you with french, I can :)
Sorry for the late reply
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2012
Hii Great taste in music esp. British bands and singers :)You are so lucky my friend told the how beautiful is Prag .It would be one of my destinations to travel
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2012
Cinematography isn't really about studying film and it's history though those things are important for a cinematographer to know and I love learning about both! Cinematography is the person who controls everything you see when you watch a movie. They decide what angle something should be shot at. Did you like studying film? What do you study now?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2012
Hello Miss Dina!
What's life like in Russia & the Czech Republic?
I had a friend who just visited the CR and absolutely loved it.
inactive user
Aloha : -)
That's true. It's kinda like, if you mix Usain Bolt and an extremly smart girl you get a great combination.
hmm, I see. It's the same with Norwegian and Swedish I've noticed. "snygg" means pretty in Swedish, in Norwegain "stygg" means ugly. This misunderstandings can end bad sometimes. heh.

Cool. My father is in Turkey now. Ok, so is Paris as romantic like people say? Yeah, but I don't have a job, and things here are so expensive so I haven't been travelling a lot in my life. I've been twice in Thailand, thusands of times in Sweden, and a couple of times in Denmark. I have really good memories of Denmark cause the times I've been there is the annual football tournament during the summer. With over 20 guys living together for a week it really creates some hillarious moments. In 8 days I'm off to Thailand. Been looking forward to this for a long time, and now my younger brother is more like travelling with a friend so that's great. Which places is on your wishlist that you haven't been to yet?

Hehe :)) I grew up listening to Hip-hop, and mainstream music while my dad is a fan of rock and my older sister is a metalhead. But for the past 4-5 years I've been more into trance, and house music.
I see we have a couple of bands in common. I've always been a GN'R fan! What are your favourite song by them?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2011
thanks you!! you're learning a lot of languages too!! how's Prague? I've been there twice and I think it's such a beautiful city!!
inactive user
Hello. Yeah, it's kinda hard somtimes too, because I feel Norwegian, but my mo wants me to follow a lot of Thai traditions that is just not normal over here at all. For example shave my head and spend two weeks away from society in a temple.

I don't know so much about Czech, I just have an impression that most eastern-european countries are very alike. What would you say is the biggest differences between Czech and Russia?

I read your profile and you sound cool : -) I saw you like travelling, which countries have you been to?
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