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Delannoy, 33 y.o.
Tourcoing, France [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 100.
inactive user
Hi ;)
inactive user
Coucou ma puce.

Il faut que tu réactualises ton profil, tu n'as plus 20 ans !! ;-)
Je t'embrasse.

Bonne semaine.

inactive user
inactive user
nice to meet u here!
inactive user
Im fine thanks.. how about u?
what ur busy? u hv other address except here?
inactive user
hey.. long time no talk with u..
how was ur day?
inactive user
I'm really fine, thanks
my day was a nice day...busy but really good...and yours??
inactive user
How are you??
inactive user
sure...i know somethings about it...
but i dont know if the law there is the same that the law here, in brazil...
what do you wanna know about it??
(thats english is not perfect too... =D )
inactive user
im good...
hey many of the same name with you on fb lol
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