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Javier, 33 y.o.
Madrid, Spain [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
inactive user
Jaja eh allora niente di meglio che iniziare a scrivere così! Xdd e se non capisci qualcosa chiedi. ..sei qui per parare dopotutto xdd
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2014
yes javier
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2014
thank you! so happy,but why you didn't see my message until now?
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2014
hi! i'm jack,nice to meet you,i hope we can be friends
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2014
inactive user
Ciaoo e Benvenuto su Interpals!se ti serve una mano con l'italiano basta chiedere ;D
Saluti da Torino
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2014
hyy am solomon from Ghana and am 19 years of age. hmmm i just read your status am intrested in it so i would like to be your friend and i will be glad if you we be........
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