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Irina00, 61 y.o.
Yaroslavl, Russia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2011
dobridzine Irina
kak dila? oh just some words learned last years when i had worked ? for Gazprom here in Algeria ...mais je peux dire que ton français est bon et si je peux t'apporter un plus ....niet problema....
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2011
Tes premiers pas en français sont très bons ... il faut que tu continues à écrire à à lire ... c'est un excellent début.
A très bientot j'espère
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2011
Welcome to Interpals and Happy Birthday!
inactive user
Bonjour Irina !

How are you doing?

I read your profile and you seem to learn French. I can help you if you need a hand !

Let me correct your sentence ! You should say :"Ce sont mes premiers pas en Français. Ne me jugez pas, mais corrigez moi si je fais des fautes !"

French is hard to learn :) Even French natives speakers don't know how to speak French properly :)))
inactive user
Hello and Welcome to interpals, Greetings from the USA
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