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Slawut, 37 y.o.
Koblenz, Germany [Current City]


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Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2008
5555++ i used to 94 too but i'm sick of ppl questioning me.
anyway my school will start next monday.
i'm kinda wanna to school right now.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2008
ohh when did u become so old? 94? 555++
i'm sabai dee as usual. thanks for asking.
i was gone for a vacation.
my school will start soon.
how about u? :D
inactive user
ja sry xD
hab auch fast nie zeit ghabt ... ><
und interpals langweilt mich schön langsam xD

aba egal ^^
ich mach eig. gar nix aussa schule gehn und hÜ machn... freizeot bleibt mir gar nimma T°T
schlimm.... und du ??
was is so los in germany ? XD
inactive user
nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah XD

gut so =PP

also ~ ich schau de ganze zeit fern == olympischn spiele lol~ bekomm schon voll de glupschaugn °³°
HAHAHA naja ~
was hast so gmacht am wochenende ?

aja ! neues pic ?? is cool ^^ aber des nebn dir isn mädchen gööööööööl ? lol
vielleicht deine freundin ?? hehehe
inactive user
hastn gfundn ?

naja ~~~
wie gehts da denn so ?
inactive user
ggg findstn ned ?
TOA hoast ea , bkk , 18 ... 2 walls unta deiner ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2008
I love rock music haha :-)
Glad to meet you too !

I'm pretty good thanks ! how is your day ?

Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2008
hello elderly guy :-) I like your music taste
inactive user
umm.. what do you do as your job?
yeah im still high school student and will graduate soon. :) can't wait!! mine is haelee (it's the same with harry). i got it, hello slawut!
inactive user
yeh, nice to meet you too :)
are you on the summer holidays now?
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