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Gwen, 78 y.o.
Brookings, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 34.
inactive user
Hello. How arw you an your family doing?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2008
Hello there.Sorry I havent been on here much but so much stress in my life.Im still answering mail.How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2008

Sounds like you have your hands full. I have two sons and three grandchildren. Not near the count you have. I see you live in Orgeon. If I remember, that is a beautiful state. I have not been there since I was 16. Do you live near the coast?

Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2008
I'm so happy for you! I hope you have a good day from here on out!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2008
So Glad to hear that you got your computer back, YaY! That's so crazy how they made an mistake on you. What did they have to tell you after you found out?
Best wishes, Amy
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2008
Did your tests come back ok?I really hope so!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2008
Guess what?I got that first letter I ever sent to you returned to me today.
inactive user
hello there from colorado,i too am a momof 6 and 12 grand children and i also have2 greatgrandsons
inactive user
Hi im happy to get your you like letters???i need only pen friends...HUGGS
inactive user
Whats a nice person here....wonderful photo with all everything around...
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