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Albina, 33 y.o.
Kazan, Russia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 238.
inactive user
glad to see you didn't forget me haha
Well I live in my new town now : Montpellier !
I like it! it's really pretty here! :)

hum what else ? I have a new mic !!! yeahh!! it's really good so i can record properly now ;)
and i have my own apart as well ! :D
i'll live alone ! :O
my mom leaves on saturday! i'll miss her but in a way i can't wait to live my own live .. but on the other hand i'm a little scared too haha XD
You're leaving soon !!! and you'll be in japan *_* lucky you ! :D
tomorrow i have a meeting for the university ! I'm afraid of university xD i'll have to work hard >< !!

what about you ?what happened in your life? tell me everything! ;)
inactive user
i guess you forgot me :O
inactive user
just want to say that i won't be available some days since i'm taking the plane tomorrow !
hope you didn't forget me and you'll answer me messages soon!
byeee <3
inactive user
HAHA XD Which dramaas & Manga are you watching ? :3
it's been such a long time since i watch a manga!! I'm waiting for Code:Breaker to be release since I read the manga! :D
I'm also watching dramas those days! Since i want to improve my level in chinese i started a taiwanese drama :Smiling pasta! :D I love it! I usually can't watch taiwanese drama cause the actions are exagerate and i don't like it >< But this one is great! :D
I also need to finish Coffee Prince! :) With Yoon Eun Hye! I love this girl !
And there's also my daily drama (it's not finish yet so i have to wait for the episode every week ) Bridal Mask! It's awesome!!i'm always Full of stress while watching it XD

other than that well this week i've seen my friends! I was almost never at home so i was a little scold by my mom XD
But i'll leave soon so it's okay .. wow only 9 days left!!!! o_o I feel weird haha
inactive user
don't forget to write to mee!!! :)
inactive user
glad to hear that!! :D how was it ? :)
did you have fun ?? what did you do ?? :D
inactive user
Why do I want to spend new year's eve in NY ?
watch the movie and you'll know why ! xD
It looks awesome ! i don't know how to describe it ..
maybe it looks great to me because my christmas have always been like little party only with my 2 brothers , my sis & my parents! Christmas in NY looks terrific and so grandiose! :O

Btw i'll miss my family for christmas!!! >< I'll miss my mom's delicious turkey too xD
inactive user
Oh what will you do in Petersburg ? :D do you have some family there?
I've just watched the movie "new year's eve"! it was fun ! :D
i loved it! now i want to spend my new year's eve in NY ! XDD
inactive user
omg sorry i forgot to answer XD
What are you doing those days?
as for me, i have a lot of paper to do since i'm leaving ><
but today i was able to spend some time with my friend :)

I should think about some things to do since i'm leaving soon haha
I wish I had a japanese penpal !! :O
I have a korean penpal , and a chinese one too now but i don't know a japanese girl or boy ;_;
do you have some friends in japan ?
inactive user
Right now I live in Reunion Island and started from August I'll live in Montpellier!
I hope it'll be awesome as you said haha!
I hope i'll meet great people too !!!! :O
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