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Angel, 31 y.o.

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
You are half indonesian but your face didn't seems like asian, i'm sure belanda really different with indonesia
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2015
inactive user
Oh why did I wrote reply on my wall...??
I have no class today so I got up lately:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2015
Wow thanks a lot! I'm just planning to learn German starting this winter vacation.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2015
Hello from north netherlands....Im like to be your friend too..cos im want to have some more dutch friends..! are you doing okay? welcome here!
have great weekend already almost!!
inactive user
Really?! I listening BTOB's song now!!! 'The road home' I love Yook Sung Jae's voice. I like 'I don't care' at 2ne1 song. Did you hear SNSD's new sing 'Lion heart'? This song is very good! Yeah~ super junior is very nice group and I love them. Super Junior's broadcasts are all in fun. I love Siwon too! he is very humorous person on She was pretty! that's a nice drama lol!
inactive user
Yeah you have some images that I don't have
It's about 3am !!! Too late
I'd better go to bed soon:)
What time is it there?
inactive user
Hello! Thanks for you reading! Do you like k-pop too? I think that we are become a good friend :)Thanks for said you help me!
inactive user
You overpraise! But thank you:)
I think you are more beautiful and very stylish and chic!!!
I envy you
inactive user
Haha okay~ if you want to sing with me, tell me!!
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