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Paul, 53 y.o.
Birmingham, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 4 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 30.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 27, 2020
Hello from Sibiria Russia 🙌Have you ever been lake Baykal))
inactive user
Haha, thanks, Paul 😆.
inactive user
Thank you!!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2014
Is there something/one that is on your list that you want to take pictures of but not have? Why?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2014
ok I know that feeling. So I am going to assume it is the same with what color/feeling you have at the time? I like to take shots in black and white but sometimes it depends in color.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2014
When you take your camera out do you have it in mind of what you want to take a picture of? Or just when you see it you know it?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2014
You take very lovely pictures and I truly enjoy more the black and white ones.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2014
Yes I can understand that - I think you probably need to be hearing English being spoken to be able to pick up pronunciation etc. I used to be able to watch some German TV channels on satellite television, I found myself slowly starting to pick up German words and phrases.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2013
Yes, I played Mass Effect, first games and not until the end
inactive user
The Love shack my fav. song :)
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