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Athena Marie, 32 y.o.
Iowa, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 154.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2010
I want to leave it, for a little while anyways. We have no real culture and other places do I want to see what that's like.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2010
oh i see:D
i'm not in school:)

I want to go USA !
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
hello, Athena:)
i'm good thanks and u?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2010
Probably I'll travel in 1 or 2 years though University last like 4 years but I'll take a break! :-) lol . hey! I'm still waitin' for a part of your book! why do you say that your facebook photo is crappy?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2010
hey! I've gone to U.S like twice, but you've never came to Costa Rica so it's a point for me lol +1 :-)
I'd love to go there! Maybe I will when I finish University and if you agree still to teach me about Louisiana food! I didn't know that you wrote a book, how is it? You've never told me about it! I like to read a lot! Would you send me some part of it?... & the photo on my facebook account was when i was 15, i haven't updated my some photos on facebook...but my Hi5 has some updated photos you should take a look (even though i'll try to update my facebook) bye, Take Care! Btw; Sorry for writing so much!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2010
that's awesome, i wish my University were so close to my house! hey! why don't you come to my country?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2010
I forgot to tell you i went to Cancun, and it's true right over there there are lots of'm going to National University of Costa Rica, what about you?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2010
hi! Athena I've been pretty good. Now I'm studying computer science in the University, besides the last year i went to Mexico for 2 weeks, it was awesome! so what have you been up to? are you in University? how have you been?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2009
Hi! Athena, what's going on? , i'm going to University this next year! so i'll be available to chat in the night just let me know if you will be on yahoo, and what about your school? and you?

I'm so sorry for reply so late!
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