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Alim, 30 y.o.
Luton, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1150.
inactive user
inactive user
Happy birthday dude :) have a good one!
inactive user
Wait.. so, he didn't actually die because of working too hard? did he die in his sleep then? or did he just not die at all and wake up the next day? LOL. Just have to clarify xD

But, speaking of people dying.. have you watched the news lately? & do you know how many people have been killed in London over the past few days!? D: smh. I've accepted that some people are messed up enough to commit murder. But, the fact that these killings are happening like 5 or 10 minutes away from where I live is kinda hard to take in..
inactive user
Yes, very busy times..
But, it will all pay off in the end, then I'll be free to do whatever the hell it is that I want to do, lol. I know my limit, so it's cool. I won't kill myself, don't worry ;)
inactive user
Nope. I've looked into them and everything. But, I'm so busy and caught up in other things, it's not practical :(
inactive user
Well, as long as you make the right decision on what to do, it should be cool :') & I've got a long, long way to go.. there's a lot of other things that I want to do as well as performing arts, and I at least want to attempt them all, lol.
inactive user
Well, I'm not gonna lie, it is fun :') but, like pretty much everything else, it's hard and time consuming.. and, you have to be very self disciplined, which I am.. so, it's all cool xD

Have you ever felt really set on a particular career before? most people change their mind about a hundred times on what they wanna do or, later down the line, they realise that the career they're going for is not what they want to do for the rest of their lives. So, I guess not being set on what you want to do is alright for now..
inactive user
Ahh real life monopoly, that's so cool! I think I'mma have to try it sometime :') & no, I haven't gone to Camden yet D: I'm SO busy (as usual) so I don't really have time for anything other than singing, dancing, acting, writing, choreographing and learning.. my life is almost fully dedicated to performing arts & college, lol :L
inactive user
Oh, whatever xD
What happened in London dear?
inactive user
Ahh, me too dude.. LOL, jk xD
If I don't feel the same way about someone, I'll be all awkward and things like that come out of my mouth, so I can't really help that! But, otherwise its all love :') lol..
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